London Division RNVR & RNR (LD)

Old Hands Association




H.R.H. Prince of Wales KG.KT.GCB

The Commanding Officer, London Division RNR

Hon. Life Member, Vice Admiral J. McAnally CB LVO


London Division RNR & RNVR Old Hands Association,

meetings held, on the First Tuesday of every month in the Senior Rates Mess, HMS President.



Bob Copeland has published a website for the London Division RNR & RNVR Old Hands Association




Title Representative        
President; Captain Peter Baker RD, DL, RNR, The Commanding Officer, London Division RNR        
Vice-President;                                       Chief Officer P. Vokes, RD, RNR,
Chairman;                             Bob Pearsall,         
Vice Chairman;                        Terry Russell,        
Secretary;                              Mrs. Patricia Barber, MBE        
Membership Secretary;         Alan Hotine,        
Treasurer;                              Graham Gatehouse,         
Newsletter; Louis Harvey         
Ships Visits;   Ray Brooks,        
Committee;          Marguerite Wimbourne,  
Serving RNR/OHA Representative; Vacant
                  Happy Retirement, "CPO Evadne Gordon",
Publicity Nick Bond



Old Hands Association Meetings Schedule 2020/21 Senior Rates Mess.

Tuesday February 4th

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday March 3rd

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday April 7th

Monthly Meeting

Saturday April 25th A.G.M. 11 hrs, Annual Lunch 1300 hrs

Tuesday May 5th   

NO Monthly Meeting



Tuesday  May 12th

Admiral's Inspection at 1800

Tuesday June 2nd

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday July 7th

Monthly Meeting


NO Monthly Meeting

Tuesday September 1st 

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday September 22nd 

HMS Fittleton memorial service & wreath laying
Tuesday October 6th

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday November 3rd

(including a short Remembrance Ceremony & Wreath Laying at the
War Memorial on the Drill Deck)


Sunday November 8th

Remembrance Sunday ServiceTower Hill 1030

Tuesday 1st December Monthly Meeting

Tuesday 8th December

Carol Service Chapel of the Tower of London 1900 for 1930

Tuesday January 2019 NO Monthly Meeting

Tuesday  February 2nd 2021

Monthly Meeting




Summer Lunch 11th September 2004

Wardroom HMS President London Division RNR

Guest of Honour

 Commanding Officer Cdr. Clare Hughes RN, 3rd from Right.


The highlight of our 2004 UK visit was the Summer Lunch, it had been nine years since I had been able to attend one.

This was Sharon's first Summer Lunch and by the smile on her face, I know she enjoyed it as much as I did.




 Sharon Lockyer and Barry Lockyer                                  Peter Shea and Sharon Lockyer


    John Frewin Eileen Frewin                                               Colin Allam





Shipmates who have crossed the Bar since the 2019 Newsletter



Denys Carden

Allan Camp
John Frewin

Roger Tidbury
John Bissington

Jim Wayre
Lt Cdr John Robinson RNR


Committal of ashes to the sea for Service Personnel


Families of, or Naval Personnel wishing to have a committal at sea, please contact;

Mrs Linda Martin (Chaplains Secretary)


For Committals at Portsmouth or Devenport


If anyone has details of any of our shipmates crossing the bar, I will be pleased to post their obituaries.